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April 1 - April 30, 2024

Cleveland Clinic Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kim Garred's avatar
    Kim Garred 5/03/2024 4:40 AM
    To be very aware of what I do on a day to day basis. From recycling to brushing teeth, my daily routines have changed. I also used the Ecochallenge to jump start self health care by scheduling Dr. appointments and getting on track health wise. Thanks for the opportunity.
    One Healthcare Sustainable Healthcare
    Briefly describe the issue(s) you learned about. How did this information impact you?

    Wendy Long's avatar
    Wendy Long 4/30/2024 8:28 PM
    Plant based diets are good for treating various preventable diseases and also good for the environment. They reduce cholesterol, hypertension, BMI and greenhouse gases. It is a win-win.

    • Nicole Griffin's avatar
      Nicole Griffin 4/30/2024 8:31 PM
      Thank you for reminding me. It's easy to slip in to negative habits. My challenge is convenience vs. healthy eating. Sushi it is!
    One Healthcare Environmental Footprint of Healthcare
    What surprised you most about the healthcare industry's impact on climate and health? What is one action you can take to make a positive impact?

    Wendy Long's avatar
    Wendy Long 4/30/2024 4:44 PM
    The climate crisis is not a future problem. Millions of people are dying now. I can switch to renewable energy sources. I can also drive less.
    At Home Whole Foods Diet
    What benefits do whole foods and plant-based foods have on health and the environment?

    Laura Lucarelli's avatar
    Laura Lucarelli 4/30/2024 2:30 PM
    Whole Foods means less processing — good for the environment and my body!

  • Karen Stevenson's avatar
    Karen Stevenson 4/30/2024 2:23 PM
    Ahhhh, it's the end of the challenge - I got busier with my workload so wasn't able to keep up and do my check-ins regularly this past week. I appreciate having this challenge because sometimes we need the added push to make small but important steps to help the environment!

  • Mary Kopczynski's avatar
    Mary Kopczynski 4/30/2024 2:15 PM
    Hi Ecochallengers! Last day! Hope everyone had fun, reached their goals, and learned something new this month! See everyone next time! :-) Mary

  • Michelle Abate's avatar
    Michelle Abate 4/30/2024 2:04 PM
    To bad I realized it after the date was locked out, that I could go in and a document a day later. The first weekend I had missed, and tried to document on Monday was locked out. Later I missed documentation and I was able to go in on past dates. That was a nice option.

  • Lisa Adams's avatar
    Lisa Adams 4/30/2024 1:59 PM
    It's hard to believe I have made such an impact in just one month. Thanks to this challenge, I have created some new habits going forward. :)

  • Thameenah Saleem's avatar
    Thameenah Saleem 4/30/2024 11:23 AM
    We did a great job, congrats to my fellow team members! I joined because I try to reduce waste and improve the quality of the quantity of our (shared) resources; I've always thought that I should leave the planet better off than the way it was when I got here, and I take every opportunity to address and reinforce that mission. Great job, everyone!

  • Sara Menvielle's avatar
    Sara Menvielle 4/30/2024 9:10 AM
    Finishing out strong with the last day of the eco challenge. It’s been such a positive experience.